Engineering Days

Talking about technology for the precast concrete industry

The Engineering Days understand themselves as a platform for discussions between operating precast companies and technology leaders in the industry.

Engineering Days - Talking about technology for the precast concrete industry

Engineering Days 2024

Since the start of the Engineering Days in 2007 and most recently in China in 2023, the Engineering Days have been held as a global discussion platform for precast concrete specialists from 26.11. to 27.11.2024 at the Salzburg Congress (Austria).

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Current trends and technologies

Current trends, topics and technologies in modern precast concrete plants are presented and discussed by means of technical lectures, field reports and workshops. Parallel to the congress an exhibition of suppliers is set up in the fields of mechanical engineering, automation technology, CAD and ERP-systems.

The conference is addressed to directors and managers of precast concrete plants as well as to their engineers.


Engineering Days are organized every 2 years by

RIB SAA Software Engineering GmbH
Precast Software Engineering GmbH
Prilhofer Consulting GmbH & Co. KG (Program design) 

Learn more about the Engineering Days on their website