Precast concrete is environmentally friendly
Construction with concrete is: sustainable, resource-efficient and eco-friendly
Concrete is a very sustainable building material with regard to the energy consumption during its production and its characteristics during its useful life.
Concrete is a natural building material and 100% recyclable
Concrete consists of water, sand, gravel and cement. Water, sand and gravel naturally exist in our environment. For the production of cement, the raw materials limestone, clay, sand and iron ore are kilned, gypsum is added and afterwards the mixture is finely ground.
At the production of precast concrete in the plant, the recycling of the fresh concrete which has not been used is a big priority. Fresh concrete is concrete which is not yet cured. The fresh concrete which has not been used is returned into the production cycle and can therefore be recycled to almost 100%.
Reduced consumption of energy, water and building material
Modern precast concrete plants are controlled and monitored by a master computer. The master computer exactly calculates the necessary amounts of cement, construction steel, water etc. and therefore allows for an optimal utilization of materials.
Not only during the production of precast concrete elements are savings possible. The positive characteristics of the building material also take effect during the utilization of a precast concrete building.
Seestadt Vienna: Sustainable construction with precast concrete elements
The buildings in Seestadt are assessed according to the TQB procedure (Total Quality Building) of the Austrian Association for Sustainable Construction (ÖGNB, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen). The main requirement is to achieve a minimum number of 750 points out of a possible 1,000. This assessment not only includes criteria like economic efficiency, building services, health and comfort but also evaluates areas such as energy and supply, construction materials and resource efficiency. Some of the buildings were constructed using a precast construction method by Strabag AG in conjunction with its subsidiary Mischek Systembau. Mischek from Gerasdorf/ Austria is a long-standing client of our company.Minimum waste output in the production process and reduction of packaging material
Very little waste is produced in the production process of precast concrete elements because all the materials are optimally used due to the computer-operated production. Fresh concrete which has not been used is returned into the production cycle to almost 100%, as stated above. In addition to that, the amount of packaging material can be reduced because precast concrete elements are stored and transported to the building site without packaging.
Re-use of precast concrete elements after the demolition of a building
After the demolition of a precast concrete building, the concrete and the reinforcement can be recycled and used for the construction of a new building or for road construction.
Environmental safety of precast concrete
Precast concrete elements are absolutely safe for the construction of housing, any other building or in the field of water storage. Concrete does not dispense any harmful substances to the surrounding air or water. In addition to that, precast concrete elements can be used for the storage or transport of toxic substances because they cannot get out through the precast concrete elements.