Energy-efficient buildings with precast concrete elements

Save energy!

Energy consumption

Precast concrete buildings can be easily equipped for a low energy consumption. The thermal insulation can either be integrated in the precast concrete element or mounted to the outer face of the wall. Also all the pipes for the building services are embedded into the precast concrete elements in the factory. On site, only the assembly of walls and the installation are carried out. In addition to the fixtures of the precast concrete elements, the good thermal behavior of concrete leads to a reduced energy consumption of the building. Even passive houses can be built with precast concrete elements.

Life Cycle Management

Considering the life cycle management of a building, a precast concrete building can be used optimally during its entire useful life. Right from the production of precast concrete elements, the necessary resources are used in the most preserving way possible. Also during the useful life, a precast concrete building does not require any maintenance for a period of 50 years. At the end of the useful life of a building, the demolition waste – concrete and reinforcement – can be recycled and used for the reconstruction of a building or road construction.

Passive houses Vienna

Passive houses

Passive houses can also be built in precast concrete. All the requirements are fulfilled due to the positive characteristics of concrete. The application of intelligent construction elements ensures a cost-saving execution of building projects.

» further advantages of precast concrete at a glance